Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Party 2009!

The Diva-at-Large is experiencing an unfortunate pc (personal computer) meltdown, which can mean only one thing. This week you are stuck with me, SK Wilbur, your self-appointed fashion guru. Now just before the Diva went offline, we discussed topics for her latest entry in her diary. Admittedly, we love keeping you current on fashion news and sharing what is popping up on our style radar. But we wanted to focus on something, dare I say, bigger this week. I’m sure you ask yourself, “What could be bigger than fashion?” In one word –PARTIES! I am specifically referring to the party happening today in Washington D.C. also known as Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration. Ain’t nothing like a great party. And this is the party of the millennium that all of us can celebrate. This party’s purpose marks a new era in American history that signifies a shift in the paradigm. We as a people, whatever our ethnicity or color or age, can dream bigger and more vividly without boundaries because now we truly know that with hard work and dedication our dreams will come true. If that is not a reason to party then I don’t know what is. So now we would like to hear from you. Write back and tell us what this presidency means to you. And let us know how you spent this Inauguration Tuesday. Even if you aren’t mixing it up with the political glitterati in D.C., no need to keep it low-key. Break open that bottle of champagne, put on something festive, and toast the television. And don’t forget to invite a few friends over to share in this life-changing moment. True equality has never been so fashionable!

Peace & Fashion!


M said...

I'm remembering when I first saw Obama speak in July 2004 and heard the phrase, "the audacity of hope."

I was so moved I stood up in my apartment clapping and crying as he spoke the words I had longed to hear for so many years from MY GENERATION.

I called my Mom and said, "He is it. He will be our first black President."

Everyone told me I was naive and ignorant and too much of an idealist, but I knew.

And in January 2006, I shook his hand and said, "Run Barack Run." And a year later, he did.

And even though the campaign took me down a winding path supporting different candidates, when I pulled that lever, I cried like I do every time I vote.
I was moved to vote for a man whose name alone bespoke of the full colors (and by that mean ALL of our differences) of our country and humanity.

I loved his speech, I loved Elizabeth Alexander's poem but most of all I loved Joseph Lowrey' benediction that words was a song to our
tumultuous history reflecting the courage to take risks, to grow, and to change.

After 12 years of a man who had no respect for those he served or for the foundation on which this country was built, we now have a President that loves words, loves history, and understands and respects the gravity of his position.

The only thing I was disappointed by was the invocation by Rick Warren. A man who spreads hate and misinformation about human beings doesn't deserve a place of honor at such a sacred moment. I understand bringing everyone under the umbrella but it was disrespectful to our "gay friends in the Red States."

I am hopeful that President Obama intelligence and spirit will move this country to be even more inclusive! Let's break down ALL the barriers!

Yes we can.

And on a fashion note, loved the girls' "crewcuts" coats and Michelle's fabulous and glittery silhouette. Join "Mrs. O" on Facebook!

hugs to Wilbur and Ashanti!

M said...

oops I mean 8 years. But it's been SO BAD, it FELT LIKE 12 YEARS!!