How you doin'? As the Diva-At-Large, you have journeyed with me over the past year as I have embarked on my first girlfriend vacation and celebrated my mom's 65th birthday. You've joined me as I sat riveted by the whole spectacle of fashion during New York Fashion Week. And you even listened as I took to my soapbox and sounded off on how important it is to be polite and kind to each other and this crazy obsession our culture has with celebrity. So I hope you will tune in when we launch This Is My Life - The Series. Beginning this September 9, each week we will broadcast a new webisode featuring more of my life adventures and observations. You will be able to learn more about me and, in turn, more about how we get down at Sorta Kinda Entrerprises. And it will all be easily accessible through So to borrow a phrase from the cable network Bravo, "Watch What Happens. . ." Here comes DivaTV.
Love Life, Love Fashion!